Contract Natural Gas (CNG)

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Key information about Contract Natural Gas (CNG)

Company history

How to contact Contract Natrual Gas (CNG)

You can contact CNG (Contract Natural Gas Limited) through a number of different ways.


If you wish to contact Contract Natural Gas via post, you can write to them at:

2 Victoria Avenue
North Yorkshire

CNG opening times

Their office opening hours are between 9:00am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday. 
Remember that any telephone calls made may be recorded.

  • Contact CNG via telephone by calling them on 01423 502 554

If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, contact The National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. Calls are free, and they operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Republic of Ireland customers should contact The National Gas Emergency Service on 1850 20 50 50.

We also recommend you take the following action:

  • Open all doors and windows to ventilate the space
  • Turn gas supply and gas appliances off at the mains
  • Avoid smoking or the use of any naked flames
  • Avoid turning any electrical switches off or on

You can visit CNG’s website directly at:

If you need to email Contract Natural Gas, you can send your message to: – Your message will be forwarded to the relevant department.

You can also use social media to contact CNG on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Head office

A map showing CNG’s head office location can be found below.

Further Information

Fuel Source summary

Contract Natural Gas does not provide electricity tariffs for business customers, therefore there is no data available for their fuel mix.

Environmental impact for CNG

As of figures available in 2018, CNG assessed its environmental impact as follows:

Environmental impact = TBC CO2 emissions/kWh and TBC high level radioactive waste/kWh.

Contract Natural Gas business services

Contract Natural Gas (CNG) believe that the commercial energy market should encompass more than just the ‘Big Six’ energy suppliers. They provide a range of services to support smaller independent suppliers.

The business gas company’s services are available to everyone from local communities, to national brands.

Customer Reviews

Contract Natural Gas currently have a rating of 4.3 out of 10 from 9 reviews on Trustpilot.

Compare Contract Natural Gas (CNG)

You should now have all the necessary information you need for Contract Natural Gas Ltd. Use Utility Saving Expert’s business energy comparison site to see how CNG compares against other UK business energy suppliers.

It’s quick and simple to get an online quote within minutes, alternatively you can speak to one of our energy experts by calling 01242 32 31 31

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