Green Star Energy

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Key information about Green Star Energy

Company history

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Warm Home Discount Scheme

Further Information

Fuel Sources

By law, Green Star Energy is required to provide information on the fuel sources for their electricity. They promise to use 100% renewable electricity. It gives its fuel mix as follows and provides the UK average for comparison.

Environmental Impact

The CO2 Emissions are 0g/kWh (compared to a UK average of 290g/kWh) and its high-level radioactive waste as 0g/kWh (compared to a UK average of 0.007g/kWh).

Current Green Star Energy tariffs

Tariff Name Variable Tariff Fixed Rate Tariff Exit Fees
Green Saver 12m Fixed + Perks 1705 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Saver 12m Fixed + Perks 1709 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Saver 12m Fixed 1709 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Saver 18m Fixed + Perks 1706 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Saver 18m Fixed 1706 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Saver 24m Fixed + Perks 1705 No Yes £30.00, 12 months
Rate Watch Pay as you Go Yes No No exit fees
Rate Watch Variable Yes No No exit fees


According to the latest Which survey, Green Star placed 8th out of 23 energy companies for overall customer satisfaction.

The table below shows the breakdown of the Green Star Energy review.

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