How To Compare Energy Prices From EDF Energy With Utility Saving Expert
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Key information about EDF Energy
EDF Energy is the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon electricity. By volume, it is the biggest supplier of electricity in Great Britain, as well as the largest supplier to British businesses. EDF’s framework is known as ‘The Better Plan’, which focuses on being a sustainable, efficient and responsible electrical company. Its future 2030 vision is to be the champion of low-carbon growth.
EDF Energy has three key aims within its framework:
Better Lives – ‘We will innovate to transform people’s lives with skills and job opportunities.’
EDF Energy doesn’t just focus on supplying energy to its customers; it also wants to make a lasting impact in people’s lives. It does this by investing in training and job creation as well as skills and education programmes. By working towards closing the equality gaps in today’s society, EDF Energy concentrates on being at the forefront of the UK’S long–term industrial transformation.
Better experience – ‘We will innovate to help all customers manage energy better.’
EDF have the vision of being the best and most trusted energy company for its customers and to get to this point, it aims to be the best at solving customer’s energy needs. To achieve this it completes the basic of tasks brilliantly, offering a great service and then building on trust this creates by innovating and adding value for its customers. It empowers everyone to use low – carbon electricity and in doing so helps every customer to become their own champion of low-carbon growth.
Better energy for all of society – ‘We will innovate to lead the UK’s transition to safe, low carbon energy.’
In 2008, The Climate Change Act was introduced which meant the UK government were committed to reduce carbon emissions by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. This commitment was later renewed in 2016 – by 2050, low-carbon nuclear and renewable will fulfil most of our electricity needs. EDF energy believes in a decarbonised future and as they are the UK’s largest low-carbon generator, it is leading the UK into enabling this future. Its ambition is to expand its renewable footprint in the UK.
EDF Energy is ranked joint 22nd out of 31 energy companies, ranked by 8,761 members of the public, in the annual Which? customer survey. It’s the joint highest – ranked of the Big Six energy companies this year and the only one of them to get a four-star rating from customers for its bills.
Company history
EDF Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the French-state owned EDF group – Electricité de France. It currently employs around 13,331 people and handles 5.7 million customer accounts. It was formed in 2002 following the mergers of Seeboard plc, London Electricity Plc, SWEB Energy plc and two coal – fired power stations as well as a combined cycle gas turbine power station.
EDF focuses on low–carbon technologies and claims to produce more low-carbon electricity than any other generator in the UK. It has recently invested in battery storage, small modular reactors and tidal energy.
2016 marked a particular landmark year for EDF Energy, as the government passed a proposed EDF nuclear power station at Hinkley Point C. This opened a brand new chapter for nuclear energy in the UK.

How to contact EDF Energy
You can contact EDF Energy through the following ways:
You can write to the company at the following address:
EDF Energy
Opening times
Lines is open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm.
- By accessing the online chat via EDF Energy’s website, you will be able to speak to an advisor 24/7, without the worry of waiting in a call queue.
- Visit EDF Energy’s website at:
- If you would like to speak to someone at EDF Energy, you can call 0800 096 4063
- You can send an instant message via the EDF Energy Facebook page where an advisor should be at hand to answer your questions.
- You can tweet EDF using @edfenergy
To make a complaint you should do the following:
- Contact the complaints team on 0800 051 1643, or if calling from a mobile, 0113 8207292. This line is open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm.
- Email the EDF complaints department at
Head office
A map showing their head office location can be found below.
Help for low income families or those in debt
If you are struggling to pay your bills, it is important you get in contact with EDF Energy straight away. They believe the sooner you contact them, the sooner they will be able to help. If you are unable to pay a bill, you may have the following options:
- Agree on an affordable amount to pay monthly, until the bill is cleared.
- Have a pre payment metre installed at your property, if it is safe to do so.
- Pay under the third party deduction scheme – which allows your bill to be paid via your benefits.
To find out more information about the third party deduction scheme, you can visit EDF’s website here:
EDF Energy third party deduction scheme.
In addition to the above, you can also register with EDF’s Energy Trust Fund. This is a registered charity which opened in 2003, to help vulnerable individuals and families in society suffering from poverty or other distress and whom are unable or struggling to pay their gas and/or electricity debts. The trust is able to give grants to help people clear gas and electricity debts owed to EDF Energy as well as other suppliers.
For more information you can visit the EDF Energy’s Trust Fund website here:
If you are on a low income and wish to understand how you can reduce or manage your energy better, EDF Energy can provide you with an energy efficiency guide. You can call 0800 096 9000 or alternatively visit the EDF Energy website here to find out more:
Warm Home Discount Scheme
EDF Energy is part of the Government’s Warm Home Discount Scheme.
The Government’s Warm Home Discount Scheme gives eligible people a £140 discount on their electricity bill between October and April. You are automatically eligible for the scheme if your energy company is part of the scheme and you get the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit.
For more information on the Warm Home Discount Scheme you can visit

Further Information
Fuel Sources
The energy industry regulator requires energy companies to provide information on where they source their electricity from. They are also required to provide information on their carbon dioxide emissions and radioactive waste. EDF Energy’s fuel mix figures are as follows:
Fuel mix
- Coal 7.55%
- Natural gas: 9.39%
- Nuclear: 71.21%
- Renewables: 11.66%
- Other 0.19%
High Level Radioactive Waste: 0.0050 g/kWh
Carbon Dioxide emissions: 104 g/kWh
Environmental impact
Environmental impact TBC
Current EDF Energy tariffs
Tariffs TBC
EDF Energy has a ‘Great’ Trustpilot rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars based on 33,545 customer reviews.
Compare EDF Energy
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